Club Trails Download Data Warehouse

Trails download:
Digital download trails for various ATV Club regions are made available freely in several GPS formats and detailed .JPG and/or .PDF maps are also provided to download and print if you wish.

Polaris Ride Command:
In addition to making all our designated trails data available for download to install into your own GPS unit or to print maps, we have also formed a partnership with Polaris company and our ATV trails are now available for use through their free mobile Ride Command application available from your device app store for both Android and iOS devices and also Microsoft computers.  Designated trails (signed) and hundreds of kilometers of other trails in the region are included.  If you don’t have a GPS unit, you can use the Ride Command application on your phone to follow the designated and other trails while navigating with live tracking and also record your rides and make new waypoints.  Learn all about it through this Polaris Ride Command link.        

Designated ATV trails are signed and managed by an ATV Club,  In addition, there are hundreds of kilometers of other non-designated trails in the Belair Forest and Sandilands Forest that are included in this trail mapping data.  Non designated forest trails may or may not be passable due to overgrowth, dead fall trees and wet areas.  These additional, non designated trails that surround the designated trails can be acquired from other sources.  It is up to the rider to exercise due diligence on any and all trails due to potential changing conditions and the fact that they are off road trails, the terrain and conditions can be quite varied.  ATV riders are reminded that they ride these trails at their own risk and judgement.  It is important to remember not to trespass onto private land without permission and to ride safe and be mindful and respectful of others.

Ownership of the data:
Note that data provided through these downloads are exclusively owned by the ATV Clubs and ATVMB and are made available freely to riders to help them navigate the trails.  These data files are not to be repackaged in whole or in part nor value added to or copied and sold through any commercial offering. Please read the following full ownership and disclaimer user data agreement here:  Read these Terms and Conditions of Data Use

Click on image to enlarge

Read these Garmin Install Instructions on how to install these GPS files.

ATV Club NameDownload Garmin .GPX FileDownload Garmin .IMG FileDownload Google Earth .KML FileDownload Printable Trail Maps
Belair ATV Club2019 Belair ATV Trails (V1).GPX2019 Belair ATV Trails (V1).IMG2019 Belair ATV Trails (V1).KML2019 Belair ATV Trails Printable Maps
Eastman ATV Club2019 Eastman ATV Trails (V1).GPX2019 Eastman ATV Trails (V1).IMG2019 Eastman ATV Trails (V1).KML2019 Eastman ATV Trails Printable Maps
Four Lakes Four Wheelers
ATV Club
Trail designations in progressTrail designations in progressTrail designations in progressTrail designations in progress
Rock Road ATV Club2019 Rock Road ATV Park Trails (V1).GPX2019 Rock Road ATV Park Trails (V1).IMG2019 Rock Road ATV Park Trails (V1).KML2019 Rock Road ATV Park Printable Maps
Sandhogs ATV Club2019 Sandhogs ATV Trails (V1).GPX2019 Sandhogs ATV Trails (V1).IMG2019 Sandhogs ATV Trails (V1).KML2019 Sandhogs ATV Trails Printable Maps
South Interlake ATV Club2019 South Interlake IPT Trail (V1).GPX2019 South Interlake IPT Trail (V1).IMG2019 South Interlake IPT Trail (V1).KML2019 South Interlake Trail Printable Maps
Topo Canada Base Map southern ManitobaTopo Canada Map - Southern Manitoba .IMGTopo Canada Coverage Map - Southern Manitoba